
Friday, January 25, 2013

Black & White Friday #4

Baby it is COLD outside.

When I looked at the temp on my i-phone this morning, I really didn’t want to get up and walk my dog. Reluctantly, I bundled up and braced myself for the 26° temp. I was rewarded when I encountered these little frozen jewels on a neighbor’s bush. The funny thing is that we haven’t had any rain in several days. Wonder how they got there? I think they look like little jester hats. TGIF!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Natural Acts: January 17 - February 21

“Natural Acts”

My new body of work will be on display at Trustus Theatre during its run of a very funny play, Five Lesbian's Eating a Quiche, January 17 - Feb 2. The show is directed by Robin Gottlieb and stars Elena Martínez-Vidal, Dewey Scott-Wiley, Vicky Saye Henderson, Katie Mixon, and Emily Meadows as the  “Susan B. Anthony Society for the Sisters of Gertrude Stein.”

What could be a more delectable pairing than images of food that are suggestive of the female form? At times, I found myself almost blushing as the forms revealed themselves. I'll never see fennel in the same way again. All images were cooked up right in my kitchen turned photo studio.


PS: I will be the 701 Whaley Community Artist April 7- May 18. More to come on that.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Black & White Friday #3

“To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.” –Henri Cartier-Bresson in his book, The Decisive Moment.

He may call it the decisive moment, but in this picture I think I just got lucky, especially, since I shot it surreptitiously with my i-phone. Of course, I love the cowboy and the light on the front rim of his hat, but I also love the guy in the background who looks like he is talking on a portable phone from the 1980’s.

This was shot in Wichita, KA.

The Vagabond ©Kathryn VanAernum