
Monday, October 29, 2012

Anthropomorphic Monday

Anthropomorphic:  ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things.

To make Monday a bit more fun, I am starting a weekly post called Anthropomorphic Monday. I have been fascinated for a while now with “human” faces appearing in mostly man made forms.

Hope you enjoy the giggle and if you find faces you’d like to share, tweet them to me: @kvanartworks

I think what caught my eye with this “guy” was his ears.

anthro1 kathryn Van Aernum
Medical scanner of some type.

Monday, October 8, 2012

UnEarth at Saluda Shoals

Saluda Shoals © Kathryn Van Aernum

Ever since I first heard about the “UnEarth Festival - A Celebration of Naturally Inspired Art” about 5 years ago I have been a big fan. I always seemed to miss the deadline but this year I had my antenna up for the call to artists. Participating this year as an artist was a great treat. The weather was absolutely perfect for spending a Sunday on the banks of the Saluda River making art.

I demonstrated drawing and writing with objects found in nature, and I had an extra table set up for anyone who wanted to try their hand using nature tools. Mostly children dove in, but some adults were delighted to play with nature. Wisteria seed pods were the hands on favorite. So was the color purple.

As the leaves fell from the tree above, they were creatively added into the repertoire of tools

Maybe we'll see you next year!