
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reality Check

My good friend Sonya Dunn started a blog last week on Blogger and when I went to check it out, lo and behold, I discovered that I had already signed up for a blog account...THREE YEARS AGO! I truly hate to admit this, but I think I have numerous blogs that are sitting out in cyberspace unattended to. The accounts are set up, but no content. Empty. Wow, what does that say? Have I really been that busy, forgetful, lame, or just fearful. I know it's not that I don't have anything to share, or at least want to share.

In any event, I guess 2010 is the year I begin. What do I want to share? My thoughts and struggles about being an artist. It's been hard to stake my claim to an artistic life. There are others that are certainly more talented, more productive, more educated, more...well, just more. But I have always loved visual art, ever since I saw Watson and the Shark at the Detroit Institute of Arts on a field trip in 5th grade. No, it was actually earlier then that. It was seeing beautiful oils of flowers that a friend of my grandfather's painted when I was about 4. I thought he was some kind of magician.

I am inspired by those who take the "beautiful," or the "ordinary," or the "ugly" and make you look at it in a way you never would. Perhaps if I start sharing about the process, I'll actually DO the process, that is to say, make art.

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